As the weather changes and the temperatures drop, don’t let that dampen your spirit for camping. With a little extra preparation, you can still extend your outdoor adventure during this time of the year. Here are some tips to help you get out there and enjoy the season.
One advantage of fall camping is the reduced crowds so now is the time to look up some of those popular spots. While the weather in autumn can fluctuate, it’s a good idea to check the forecast and cross reference with your hit list to snatch up last minute sites. Of course, if you can swing a weekday trip then you're almost guaranteed a spot.
The right gear will ensure a more comfortable trip so pack a cold-weather sleeping bag and note their rating vs. comfort temp rating. Mummy sleeping bags are better at keeping you warm and most come with a hood too. Make sure your tent is a three-season tent with a good rainfly – and bring a tarp (or a tent footprint) to keep the moisture out. An extra tarp is always handy if rain is forecasted. One of the most important things to keep you warmer are sleeping pads, they are a must in regards to heat retention as they insulate you from the cold ground. We often double up the top half of our body by having an extra one to go across horizontally and it also gives you added comfort.
You’ve heard since you were little, dress in layers! So bring a mix of clothing designed for layering. Wool, fleece, and synthetic materials work better to keep you warm and dry than cotton. Also remember to bring thermal underwear, gloves, extra socks, and waterproof jacket and pants. We offer winter hiking pants that are windproof, waterproof and also fleece lined for warmth.
It’s actually easy to get dehydrated with cooler and drier temperature so make sure you drink plenty of water and also consider warm beverages like hot cocoa, tea, even soup. It will also help raise your internal temperature. Just be sure to use it before bed, nothing is worse than having to climb out of your warm sleeping bag in the middle of the cold night. To prepare for that crisp morning, store the clothes for the next day in your sleeping bag or next to you, it may keep you warmer or at least cozier when you dress.
Also helpful will be packing a survival kit and making a plan B like eating out or spending the night in town if the weather is much worse than expected.